SPACE HELLS! is an arcade-style 2d space shooter with two modes: Bullet Hell and Chaser Hell. It is not possible to win either one, the purpose is to get a high score.
- The two modes each track their own high score.
- Created a new enemy type: a Fast Chaser for the Chaser Hell level. It has its own custom audio source because it seemed weird that they traveled silently.
- Modified the EnemySpawner script to allow spawned enemies to have a randomized Z-rotation (this was important for the Bullet Hell level so that they weren't all firing in the same direction).
- Modified the EnemySpawner script to allow minor randomizations in the spawn timer so that all enemies weren't firing at the same time in the Bullet Hell level.
- Modified the menu system to make it a choice between two modes rather than a progression through levels.
Install instructions
You can play it in your browser, or download it for Mac or Windows. NOTE: Mac users may need special permissions in order to play the local version.
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